美國 Zoya 快乾滴劑 Zoya Fast Drops 0.5oz [Zoya Fast Drops 0.5oz] - $168.00 : apolish.com.hk, Art of Polish

Zoya Fast Drops 是一種神奇的液體,可以使從面漆到底漆的拋光劑完全乾燥。再也不會弄髒你的指甲了! Zoya Fast Drops Speed Drops。防泡滴劑可快速徹底乾燥您的面漆、拋光劑和底漆,並增強色彩活力。色彩可保持清新亮麗長達兩週。 在每個指甲根部滴一滴,傾斜手,讓產品自然塗抹。拋光劑只需五分鐘即可乾燥。要將顏色延長兩週,請每兩天在 Topcoat 上塗抹一次。 注意: 圖片顏色只供參考,因應不同顯示屏和拍攝時燈光效果顏色會有差異.(塗上底油,面油達致最佳效果)謝謝

Description Zoya Fast Drops is a miraculous liquid that dries polish completely from top coat through base coat. Never smudge your manicures again! Impatience is a virtue. Manicures and pedicures are good to go with Zoya Fast Drops Speed Drops. These phenomenal bubble-preventing drops completely dry your topcoat,polish and base coat fast and enhance color vibrancy. Color stays fresh and gorgeous for up to two weeks. Apply one drop to base of each nail, tilt hand and allow product to spread naturally. Polish will dry in just five minutes. To extend your color up to two weeks, apply over Zoya Armor Topcoat every two days.

美國 Zoya 快乾滴劑 Zoya Fast Drops 0.5oz

Zoya Fast Drops 0.5oz

Zoya Fast Drops 是一種神奇的液體,可以使從面漆到底漆的拋光劑完全乾燥。再也不會弄髒你的指甲了! Zoya Fast Drops Speed Drops。防泡滴劑可快速徹底乾燥您的面漆、拋光劑和底漆,並增強色彩活力。色彩可保持清新亮麗長達兩...
2 Units in Stock
 $168.00$180.00 -7%